
Creating a New Earth Together

an Eckhart Tolle inspired blog


April 2016

Where are you right now?


Find a Moment of Peace, Right Now

Via One Moment Meditation

Take a deep breath … and realize that there is an easy way for you to reduce stress, anger, anxiety and fear. There is a way to find a calmer, more focused state of mind right now. Even if you haven’t been able to meditate before …

With One-Moment Meditation, Martin Boroson has helped more than half a million people get started meditating, reduce stress quickly and experience the power of just one moment of focused attention… through his video, book,workforce training, and online course. Playful, profound and very practical, One-Moment Meditation finally makes it possible for you to meditate — to experience moments of deep peace and renewed focus — right now.

Buy the book HERE

Learn more HERE

Find A Quiet Place


We all need a quiet place to enjoy our inner peace.

What You’re Made Of


Beware Of Destination Addiction


A Beautiful Winter It Was

a beautiful winter

How Happy Brains Respond to Negative Things


Recent research provides a whole new understanding of the brain’s amygdala—and suggests that happy people take the bad with the good.

By and

You drop a glass while making breakfast. You get stuck in traffic on your way to work. Your boss yells at you for being late. Congratulations! You’re having a bad morning. It happens to everyone, at one time or another. But how we react to the bad things in life reveals a lot about our brains.

It might seem to go without saying, but people with sunnier dispositions are better able to regulate their emotions than people with gloomier personalities, who are more likely to be thrown by unpleasant events. Why is this?

There are several possibilities. One is that happier people wear metaphorical “rose-colored glasses” that allow them to focus on positive things and filter out negative ones. Another possibility is that happier people are just better at savoring the good things and allowing them to lift their mood, while still seeing the bad.

Read more HERE


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